Younger pigs have a small stomach capacity and therefore need more nutrient dense. Ideally during this grower stage the main objective of the farmer is to achieve good body conformation, strong bones and body posture, rapid development of organ systems to maturity as well as maintain a healthy and robust grower herd.

With all this in mind, all the nutritional requirements at this grower stage are catered for. Rapid muscle development and internal organ systems, high calcium levels for formation of strong bones, enriched with enzymes and higher levels of lysine which is a precursor protein. It has higher palatability due to the tasty raw materials included to enhance feed intake and is highly digestible which in turn translates to higher gain margins and lower fecal output which is a measure of the digestibility. Its recommended for pigs weighing 30-45kgs.

Pig Starter Feed Formulation

Grower Mix
Items Kgs
Maize Germ 100
Maize Meal 195
Wheat Bran 105
Acidomix 0
Starter Concentrate 100

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